
Vegan CBD Pumpkin Spice Latte

By October 18, 2018 No Comments

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past several years you know that October means Pumpkin Spice Lattes! 💛 🍁🍂🎃
Unfortunately, that old favorite isn’t exactly healthy🤨
But never Fear! 👻😲
I’ve Got You Covered🧣😏 with my Vegan CBD Version🤗
This recipe has all natural ingredients and will yield 2 servings with 22 mg Healthy CBD Each!💪🌿
You’re Welcome 🤭

2 tablespoons Canned Pumpkin
1⁄2 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 1⁄2 cups dairy-free Milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
1 teaspoon NuLeaf Naturals Pure CBD Oil
1 tablespoon Maple Syrup
4 shots espresso, or 1 cup freshly brewed strong coffee
Start the espresso or coffee.
Add the pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, milk, and vanilla to a blender and blend until frothy, about 30 seconds.
Transfer to a small saucepan and heat over medium heat until the mixture is steaming, but NOT bubbling. Add the maple syrup and whisk to incorporate. Whisk periodically to maintain the frothy consistency.

Divide the coffee into two mugs and whisk the Kannaway Pure CBD Oil into the pumpkin-milk mixture before pouring evenly into each mug of coffee. Top each with a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice and serve.🍁🍂🍁🍂

Each Delicious Cup will contain 22mg Pure CBD


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